-Здесь можно порадовать глаз и взять идейки для несложных и посложнее жаккардвых узоров для варежек ,носков ,.шапочек и т.д. Приятного просмотра!!!!
ceturtdiena, 2011. gada 3. novembris
piektdiena, 2011. gada 28. oktobris
Дизайнер Karolina Eckerdal
Эта звездочка вяжется вкруговую от кончиков к центру, начинается с набора петель, по которому позже поднимаются петли для вязания другой стороны. В инструкции дано описание выполнения двух вариантов звездочек. С нечетным и четным числом петель, также Вы можете обыграть звездочки различными текстурами и цветами.
Размеры ≈ 2,5”/ 6,5 см от кончика до центра
Плотность вязания: 24 п х 36 р = 4” / 10 см при вязании лицевой гладью до набивки. Плотность вязания звездочки может быть разной, тогда будут отличаться размеры.
Материалы для вязания звездочек:
Пряжа Garnstudio Drops Merino Extra Fine, немного меньше половины мотка. Вы можете использовать любую мягкую пряжу, которая выдержит набивку.
Спицы US 2. / 3мм, круговые, длиной 24”/60 см и 6 шт. носочных спиц
Гобеленовая игла
Материал для набивки.
Перевод описания вязания звезлочек с английского языка
pirmdiena, 2011. gada 24. oktobris
Начальные петли набираются итальянским набором. Как это сделать смотрите ТУТ Далее вяжется резинка: 2 лицевые, 1 изнаночная. Расшифровка обозначений: вертикальная черта - лицевая петля, горизонтальная черта - изнаночная петля, перевёрнутая буква U -скрещённый (развернутый вокруг своей оси) накид или добавленная изнаночная петля из протяжки между петлями (кому как понравится, хотя я использую первый вариант), треугольник с гипотенузой наклонённой направо - 2 петли вместе лицевой (2-я петля сверху), треугольник с гипотенузой наклонённой налево - 2 петли вместе лицевой (1-я петля сверху).
В изнаночных (чётных) рядах: по схеме петли изображены так, как бы они выглядели с лицевой стороны изделия.
svētdiena, 2011. gada 23. oktobris
svētdiena, 2011. gada 25. septembris
Носочки "Дань"(Tribute)!

Носочки "Дань"(Tribute)!
Дизайнер - Brenda Patipa ,были опубликованы на
А эти очаровательные носочки связаны ажурным узором "морозные цветы", который
на Осинке упорно называют "медвежьи лапки".
Основой была взята шаль "Морозные цветы и листочки",
Мне кажется,что гольфы или чулки с таким ажуром смотрелись бы потрясающе!

SIZE: Women’s S [M, L]
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Foot Circumference: 7 [7.5, 8] inches, unstretched
Foot Length: Adjustable.
MATERIALSYarn Lisa Souza Knitwear and Dyeworks Timaru [65% superwash Merino/ 35% Rayon of Bamboo; 500 yd per 100g skein]; color: Mother of Pearl; 1 skein
Recommended needle size
[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below -- every knitter's gauge is unique]
spacer 1 set US #0/2mm double-point needles
spacer 1 US #0/2mm long circular needle for magic loop method
spacer 2 US #0/2mm circular needles for two-circulars method
GAUGE 32 sts/50 rounds = 4 inches in stockinette stitch
Because of the nature of this lace pattern, this pattern is easier to work on magic loop or 2 circular needles, rather than double points. There will be fewer shifting of stitches between needles to complete the work.
When working the leg, pay attention to the note about slipping stitches at the start of certain chart rounds. You will need to rearrange your stitches for ease of working.
The charts for this pattern are very large and fit on a letter-sized page.
Click the chart name below and print the resulting page.
Chart A&B

Loosely cast on 68 sts leaving a 12-inch tail to sew down cuff. Join being careful not to twist and mark beginning of round.
Work even in stockinette stitch for 1 inch.
Picot round: [K2tog, yo] to end of round.
Continue in stockinette stitch for 1 inch.
Next round: Work Chart A twice across round.
Note: At the beginning of Chart A rounds 15, 16, 19, 20, 23 and 24, slip the first stitch of the round. This shifts the round start over by one stitch to compensate for the two decreases at the end of the chart and allows the pattern to line up.
Continue as established until you have worked two full repeats of Chart A. Work another 11 full rounds, and work to the last 2 sts of a 12th round. This will be the new start of the round – rearrange your stitches if you need to.
Heel Flap:
Turn so that WS is facing. Heel flap is worked back and forth in rows on 34 sts.
Row 1 [WS]: K3, p31.
Row 2 [RS]: P3, [k1, sl 1], rep to last 3 sts, k3.
Repeat Rows 1 & 2 15[16, 17] more times. Repeat row 1. 33[35, 37] rows total. RS will be facing.
Heel Turn:
Row 1 [RS]: Sl 1, k17, ssk, p1, turn.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1, p3, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 3 [RS]: Sl 1, k4, ssk, p1, turn
Row 4 [WS]: Sl 1, p5, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 5 [RS]: Sl 1, k6, ssk, p1, turn
Row 6 [WS]: Sl 1, p7, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 7 [RS]: Sl 1, k8, ssk, p1, turn
Row 8 [WS]: Sl 1, p9, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 9 [RS]: Sl 1, k10, ssk, p1, turn
Row 10 [WS]: Sl 1, p11, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 11 [RS]: Sl 1, k12, ssk, p1, turn
Row 12 [WS]: Sl 1, p13, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 13 [RS]: Sl 1, k14, ssk, p1, turn
Row 14 [WS]: Sl 1, p15, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 15 [RS]: Sl 1, k16, ssk, turn
18 sts remain.
Pick up and knit 18[19, 20] sts along the side of the heel flap for right gusset. Place marker for start of round. Work across 34 instep sts following row 13 of Chart B and place a second marker for end of instep.
Pick up and knit 18[19, 20]sts along the side of the heel flap for left gusset. Knit the 18 heel flap stitches and the 18[19, 20] right side gusset stitches. 88[90, 92] sts total.
Gusset decreases:
Decrease round: Work in pattern to end of instep; k1, SSK; knit to last 3 sts of round, k2tog, k1.
Following round: Work in pattern to end of instep; knit to end of round.
Alternate the above two rounds 11[10, 9] more times until 64[68, 72] sts rem total – 34 on instep, 30[34, 38] on sole.
Work even as established on 64[68, 72] sts until the foot length reaches the base of the toes when measured from back of heel.
Sizes S and L only: Remove marker from end of instep on final round.
Size S only, setup round for toe: Remove start of round marker, k1; replace start of round marker; k32, place second marker for center of round; k to end of round.
Size L only, setup round for toe: Remove start of round marker, k36, place second marker for center of round, k36, replace start of round marker.
All sizes:
Decrease round: K 1, ssk, knit to 3 stitches before second marker , k2tog, k2, ssk, knit to 3 sts before end of round, k2tog, k1.
Round 2: Knit.
Repeat these two rounds until 32[36, 40] sts remain.
Repeat Round 1 3[4, 5] more times until 20 sts remain.
Graft toe sts together with Kitchener st.
Weave in ends.
Turn sock inside out. Use tail of cast on yarn to sew down cuff. Weave in ends. Block lightly.

Носочки "Дань"(Tribute)!
Дизайнер - Brenda Patipa ,были опубликованы на
А эти очаровательные носочки связаны ажурным узором "морозные цветы", который
на Осинке упорно называют "медвежьи лапки".
Основой была взята шаль "Морозные цветы и листочки",
Мне кажется,что гольфы или чулки с таким ажуром смотрелись бы потрясающе!

SIZE: Women’s S [M, L]
FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Foot Circumference: 7 [7.5, 8] inches, unstretched
Foot Length: Adjustable.
MATERIALSYarn Lisa Souza Knitwear and Dyeworks Timaru [65% superwash Merino/ 35% Rayon of Bamboo; 500 yd per 100g skein]; color: Mother of Pearl; 1 skein
Recommended needle size
[always use a needle size that gives you the gauge listed below -- every knitter's gauge is unique]
spacer 1 set US #0/2mm double-point needles
spacer 1 US #0/2mm long circular needle for magic loop method
spacer 2 US #0/2mm circular needles for two-circulars method
GAUGE 32 sts/50 rounds = 4 inches in stockinette stitch
Because of the nature of this lace pattern, this pattern is easier to work on magic loop or 2 circular needles, rather than double points. There will be fewer shifting of stitches between needles to complete the work.
When working the leg, pay attention to the note about slipping stitches at the start of certain chart rounds. You will need to rearrange your stitches for ease of working.
The charts for this pattern are very large and fit on a letter-sized page.
Click the chart name below and print the resulting page.
Chart A&B

Loosely cast on 68 sts leaving a 12-inch tail to sew down cuff. Join being careful not to twist and mark beginning of round.
Work even in stockinette stitch for 1 inch.
Picot round: [K2tog, yo] to end of round.
Continue in stockinette stitch for 1 inch.
Next round: Work Chart A twice across round.
Note: At the beginning of Chart A rounds 15, 16, 19, 20, 23 and 24, slip the first stitch of the round. This shifts the round start over by one stitch to compensate for the two decreases at the end of the chart and allows the pattern to line up.
Continue as established until you have worked two full repeats of Chart A. Work another 11 full rounds, and work to the last 2 sts of a 12th round. This will be the new start of the round – rearrange your stitches if you need to.
Heel Flap:
Turn so that WS is facing. Heel flap is worked back and forth in rows on 34 sts.
Row 1 [WS]: K3, p31.
Row 2 [RS]: P3, [k1, sl 1], rep to last 3 sts, k3.
Repeat Rows 1 & 2 15[16, 17] more times. Repeat row 1. 33[35, 37] rows total. RS will be facing.
Heel Turn:
Row 1 [RS]: Sl 1, k17, ssk, p1, turn.
Row 2 [WS]: Sl 1, p3, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 3 [RS]: Sl 1, k4, ssk, p1, turn
Row 4 [WS]: Sl 1, p5, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 5 [RS]: Sl 1, k6, ssk, p1, turn
Row 6 [WS]: Sl 1, p7, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 7 [RS]: Sl 1, k8, ssk, p1, turn
Row 8 [WS]: Sl 1, p9, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 9 [RS]: Sl 1, k10, ssk, p1, turn
Row 10 [WS]: Sl 1, p11, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 11 [RS]: Sl 1, k12, ssk, p1, turn
Row 12 [WS]: Sl 1, p13, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 13 [RS]: Sl 1, k14, ssk, p1, turn
Row 14 [WS]: Sl 1, p15, p2tog, k1, turn
Row 15 [RS]: Sl 1, k16, ssk, turn
18 sts remain.
Pick up and knit 18[19, 20] sts along the side of the heel flap for right gusset. Place marker for start of round. Work across 34 instep sts following row 13 of Chart B and place a second marker for end of instep.
Pick up and knit 18[19, 20]sts along the side of the heel flap for left gusset. Knit the 18 heel flap stitches and the 18[19, 20] right side gusset stitches. 88[90, 92] sts total.
Gusset decreases:
Decrease round: Work in pattern to end of instep; k1, SSK; knit to last 3 sts of round, k2tog, k1.
Following round: Work in pattern to end of instep; knit to end of round.
Alternate the above two rounds 11[10, 9] more times until 64[68, 72] sts rem total – 34 on instep, 30[34, 38] on sole.
Work even as established on 64[68, 72] sts until the foot length reaches the base of the toes when measured from back of heel.
Sizes S and L only: Remove marker from end of instep on final round.
Size S only, setup round for toe: Remove start of round marker, k1; replace start of round marker; k32, place second marker for center of round; k to end of round.
Size L only, setup round for toe: Remove start of round marker, k36, place second marker for center of round, k36, replace start of round marker.
All sizes:
Decrease round: K 1, ssk, knit to 3 stitches before second marker , k2tog, k2, ssk, knit to 3 sts before end of round, k2tog, k1.
Round 2: Knit.
Repeat these two rounds until 32[36, 40] sts remain.
Repeat Round 1 3[4, 5] more times until 20 sts remain.
Graft toe sts together with Kitchener st.
Weave in ends.
Turn sock inside out. Use tail of cast on yarn to sew down cuff. Weave in ends. Block lightly.
Ziņas (Atom)